Earth and Moon

I’m glad the earth loves the moon 


Everyone on earth gets to enjoy their romance

We’ve even charted their monthly dance! 


We get to bask in the glow of their love affair 

Moon revolves around Earth with such detail and care 

Their love is a kind one 

Filled with give and take 


Helping one another 

A fine relationship makes 


Earth gives Moon purpose and a place to call home 

And Moon gives Earth a companion 

On her path around the sun, she is never alone 


He gives her light in her darkest times

And she gives him all of her varying sides


No matter what rough edges Earth decides to show 

The Moon beams on with his milky white glow 


And Earth doesn’t care what phases Moon styles

Be it a full ivory face or a Cheshire Cat smile 


I wish to one day have a love like theirs

And to understand what Moon feels when I look up above

Maybe one day I’ll find it or maybe I won’t 

But I’m still very glad Earth and Moon are so deeply in love